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Pat Castleman Bsc (Hons)

Registered Nurse

Registered Midwife

Level 3 Sports Massage Therapist

Cupping Therapist

Pregnancy Full Body and Abdominal Massage Therapist


Offering a wide range of therapy personalised to individual need. Sports

massage therapy is a hands on approach using techniques to manipulate

muscles, tendons and ligaments. Different strokes, techniques and pressure are

used to help relieve tension in muscle, re-align muscle fibres, connective tissue

and increase blood flow to the area.


Regular treatments improve flexibility, mobility, reduce pain and the risk of

further injury. The main focus of sports massage is to help the athlete achieve

maximum performance, remain injury free and support the healing process.


However, sports massage is not limited to athletes or anyone who takes part in

regular fitness/training activities. The techniques used are of great benefit

irrespective of age, gender, or level of fitness, for those with physically

demanding jobs or those experiencing postural, occupational and emotional

stress and anxiety.


Pat's background as an experienced midwife of more than 20 years means she has insight and a depth of knowledge and understanding in pregnancy and the postnatal period. This also means that she is uniquely placed to offer targeted

personalised massage therapy for problems often associated with and

experienced in pregnancy. Examples of these may include lower back ache/pain

and sciatica, pelvic discomfort, swelling of joints, headache and leg cramp.

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