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Massage & Kinesiology Taping

  • 1 h
  • 75 British pounds
  • The Gym Group Chichester|Chichester Racquets & Fitness Club|Chichester CrossFit|CrossFit Emsworth

Service Description

This method is a highly popular method in the sports world, and has come under several studies proving to be more practical and beneficial than traditional methods such as restricting methods such as bandaging. Kinesiology taping delays fatigue while enhancing endurance which makes it ideal for both sporting and non sporting people and injury recovery.

Contact Details

  • The Gym Group Chichester, Portfield Way, Chichester, UK

  • Chichester Racquets & Fitness Club, Oaklands Park, Chichester, UK

  • CrossFit Chichester, Lavant Road, Chichester, UK

  • CrossFit Emsworth, CrossFit, Emsworth, UK

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